Our Mission
To promote, collect and preserve genealogical and historical research relating to persons and families bearing the name Calkins or one of its variations and to descendants of such families, AND to make available the results of such activities to the membership and to other interested parties and organizations.
What do we do?
We collect and preserve genealogical and historical research, and share the results to interested parties. We are restoring the c. 1659 Hugh Calkins House in Norwich, CT.
Where are we?
We are a global organization, mainly spread throughout North America, with our home base at 232 West Town St. Norwich, CT. 06360. U.S.A.
Mailing address: 45 Salem Turnpike, #1050, Norwich, CT 06360
Anyone may join!
The Calkins Family Association (CFA) is a 501(c)(3) non-profit, volunteer organization whose membership consists of descendants of Hugh and Ann Calkin(s) and related families, those who have an interest in Calkins history or genealogy, and those that have an interest in the restoration of the Hugh Calkins House in Norwich, CT.
The Association started in June 1993 when about 20 distant cousins got together at Eagle, Wisconsin. At that time, a decision was made to explore establishing an association and publish a quarterly newsletter. From that meeting came the formation of the CFA. The first issue of the Calkins World newsletter went out in October 1993, and by return mail the Association was well on its way with 75 members.
The name has various spellings most popularly including Caulkins, Calkin, and Corkins. No matter how you spell it, you’re a cousin!
Anyone may join that has an interest in Calkins genealogy! Membership $20 annually with digital delivery and auto renewal.
For membership questions contact Judie at [email protected]

The Beginning of the Calkins Family Association
The Association started in June 1993 when about 20 distant cousins, spearheaded by Kenneth W. Calkins, got together at Eagle, Wisconsin. At that time, a decision was made to explore establishing an Association and publish a quarterly newsletter. From that meeting came the formation of the Calkins Family Association. The first issue of the Calkins World newsletter went out in October 1993, and by return mail the association was well on its way with 75 members.
The cousins at the founding meeting of the Calkins Family Association:
Mr. & Mrs. Stewart Calkins of Palmyra, WI
Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth W. & Barbara Calkins of Golden, CO
Mr. & Mrs. Samuel & Barbara Calkins of Cincinnati, OH
Dr. & Mrs. James & Barbara Calkins of Cincinnati, OH
Mr. & Mrs. Stephen & Wilma Rouse of Allegan, MI
Mr. Paul Rouse of Racine, WI
Ms. Joyce Feustel Hughes of Atlanta, GA
Mr. Robert (Jeff) Bartholomew, Jr. of Columbus, MO
Ms. Donna Swartz of Columbia, MO
Ms. Nome Vaughn of Columbus, MO
Ms. Patti Schuknecht of Lodi, WI
Drs. Phil & Dana (Calkins) Burns of Eagle, WI
Ms. Minnie Frese of Rusagonis, New Brunswick, Canada
The cousins petitioned the state of Indiana in December 1997 to form a corporation with the name Calkins Family Association, Inc. under the Indiana Nonprofit Corporation Act of 1991. R. Ronald Calkins, J.D. was the lawyer, petitioning on the Association’s behalf. Minnie M. Frese and Kenneth W. Calkins were the incorporators of the CFA and signed the document on December 22, 1997. We were granted a Certificate of Incorporation in the state of Indiana on January 1, 1998 as a 501(c)(7) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 and became a 501(c)(3) organization in March 2021.
The CFA just celebrated 30 years as an association in 2023!