
Benefits of Membership

Newsletter: We publish a quarterly newsletter, Calkins World. We love to share information. Do you have an article or query for the newsletter? Could you tell us about your genealogy adventure? Tell us about your genealogy adventure or any news that you would love to share with your fellow members. We’d love to print it. Please send it to our Newsletter Editor at [email protected].

Website: The Calkins Family Association has a public website full of all things Calkins. Do you have a family website? If you have a Calkins family-related website, we’d love to share your link on this page. Contact us [email protected].

Facebook (FB): We maintain a FB page for the latest Calkins news, photos, and chatter. Be sure to ‘like’ us and share with others. View here.

Genealogy Research: Recording genealogy lines is an effort among several members. Our genealogy recorder can assist with locating your line. We are pretty good at bridging those gaps! Contact Melissa [email protected]

Lending Library: We offer a lending library to our members. We are resolved to collect and preserve genealogical and historical items and information, including related family pictures. Books and novels are loaned to our members for the cost of postage. Our CFA Librarian can be reached at [email protected]

Generation Spreadsheet: We maintain a Line of Descent (LOD) to help members connect with relatives who share a common ancestor within 13 generations of Hugh & Ann Calkins. To contribute, click here to complete the LOD Worksheet and be part of preserving our family history while discovering new connections. If you already know your lineage, we’d love for you to share it with us. Need help? Our Genealogy Recorder, Judie Schiel, can assist in tracing your ancestry—reach out to her at [email protected] to get started!

Y-DNA Project: Calkins men, join the Y-DNA project! For males with a direct blood line back to Hugh. Sorry ladies, you need a Y-chromosome. As more cousins join the project we may be able to differentiate more between various branches/sons/grandsons of Hugh. The kit to purchase is this one. Y-37 labelled as a good start. One can upgrade later as needed. Contact our Y-DNA program coordinator for more info [email protected].

International Family Reunion: Next reunion Sept.2024 in Seattle. Come join in! Members are encouraged to support and participate in all the various activities of the CFA, including a reunion every three years at various location all over the U.S.A. We celebrated the 9th reunion of our Calkins cousins in September 2021 in Norwich, CT and before that in June 2018 in Chicago. Past reunion have been in Washington, Colorado, New York, California and Massachusetts. These reunions are an opportunity to gather information on our common genealogy and history, make new friends, and renew connections.  Click here to see our reunion page.

For membership questions, contact our Membership Director at [email protected].

The Beginning of the Calkins Family Association

Any natural person who either carries the name Calkins or one of its variations, or is descended from a person with such name, or who has an interest in Calkins history or genealogy and desires to participate in the activities of the corporation may become a member.

The name has various spellings most popularly including Caulkins, Calkin, and Corkins. No matter how you spell it, you’re a cousin!

All voting members shall have the same rights and privileges. Spouses of voting members shall have all the benefits of membership, but cannot vote unless they too are members of the Calkins Family Association. Within the class of voting membership, there shall be two types of memberships: Regular and Lifetime.

• A regular member is one who is current with annual dues.

• Lifetime members have paid a lifetime membership fee. They are exempt from paying annual dues and remain a member in good standing the duration of their natural life. Lifetime membership is not transferable.

• Honorary membership shall be open to libraries providing genealogical data which are 501(c)(3) organizations as defined by the Internal Revenue Codes. Honorary members may not vote.